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Notes to myself, possibly of interest to others.
-- Bill Northlich

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rosenberg Daily - SIRP Investing

  1. Focus on safe yield: High-quality corporates (non- cyclical, high cash reserves, minimal refinancing needs). Corporate balance sheets are in very good shape.
  2. Equities: focus on reliable dividend growth/yield; preferred shares (“income” orientation).
  3. Whether it be credit or equities, focus on companies with low debt/equity ratios and high liquid asset ratios — balance sheet quality is even more important than usual. Avoid highly leveraged companies.
  4. Even hard assets that provide an income stream work well in a deflationary environment (i.e., oil and gas royalties, REITs, etc…).
  5. Focus on sectors or companies with these micro characteristics: low fixed costs, high variable cost, high barriers to entry/some sort of oligopolistic features, a relatively high level of demand inelasticity (Utilities, Staples, Healthcare — these sectors are also unloved and under owned by institutional portfolio managers).
  6. Alternative assets: allocate significant portion of asset mix to strategies that are not reliant on rising equity markets and where volatility can be used to its advantage.
  7. Precious metals: A hedge against the reflationary policies aimed at defusing deflationary risks — money printing, rolling currency depreciations, heightened trade frictions, and government procurement policies.

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